Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Seattle Seven!

So today is my last day in China. I'm still in Dalian. I've got everything packed, just finished! I fly to Shanghai at 1:30, then I have a dinner with two Rockwell people. We are going to do some follow up on a couple of sales calls we made, then tomorrow I head to the airport and leave at 10:00 AM.

I got a nice surprise this morning as I started packing...The Big Lebowski was on! I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!! "I was a roadie for Metallica...Speed of Sound Tour....bunch of assholes." Or. "You ever hear of the Seattle Seven? That was me...and six other guys." Great movie! I'm always baffled when people say they haven't seen it, or they don't like it. That's amazing to me. Nice treat on the last day of China!

Yesterday my boss in China, Cathy Langlois, came to Dalian. We did a final download on my time in China and reviewed all the people I worked with. Then we met with the China manager Nancy. I gave her a download, then we went to the plant to meet with Goodyear management. Goodyear is extremely happy with Jerry's improvement. So that was a good thing. We then had dinner afterwards, and I said goodbye to most of the team. I'm meeting Jerry and Tracy for lunch today before I leave.

I'm going to miss writing this blog...it's been a lot of fun. I hope you've all enjoyed it! I know a lot of you have said you did...thank you for the compliments! When I leave country...we'll do it again!

I hope to see you all soon!

This is the Pudgy Panda signing off! Good night America, wherever you are.

1 comment:

  1. I have certainly enjoyed reading all of your blogs. You did a great job on making us feel like we were there and gave me a greater idea of what China may be like. Thanks so much for spending your time with us!!!
