Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunday Pics! Dalian

I went to lunch today at this place. It was really good! It's right around the corner from my hotel. (If you click on the pics, you can see them bigger...I just figured that out...I know, I'm slow)

Chinese flag....keepin it real! CHINA is powerful!

My favorite thing in China so far, the currency. It all has pictures of Chaiman Mao on it. These are all the denominations I had on me today. There is also a 20 and fifty. The top coin is worth 1RMB, the same as the green bill. I call it Mao Money! Mao Money! Mao Money!

This was my waitress today. She was a nice girl...not sure about the outfit though. The Cop Shop! This is right behind my hotel.

The bootleg Olive Garden. If you go around the corner it leads to my hotel, maybe 100 yards away.

That guy is on a motorcyle attached to a cart. I'm not sure what he is hauling, but that's a small load. I've seen guys in the morning with that pile 20 feet high in the air.

Guy on a motorcyle. The gloves he's wearing are attached to the bike. They are all like that for winter....cause they don't put the bikes away when the snow hits!

Sweet three wheeled car! Just to give you perspective, the front end of near car and the three wheel special are seperated by one lane. Those things are a menace on the road. They are always trying to squeeze them in somewhere.

AH! The taxi! My mode of transportation. More or less they all look like this. The car is made by Volkswagen. It's called a Sanantana. I think I got that right.

This road actually leads to the highway. If you take the round about all the way around you can turn onto here. This is the way to Goodyear.

Some old building near the Round About. I think it was built by the Russians or the Japanese.

This is the round about on the end of Remin Lu. That's the street I live on. There's a big ship model in the center of the round about. Dalian is built on Squares. Each of these places has a specific name...I can't remember this one. But there are all kinds of them in town. Most of them are parks in the center.

Better picture of the boat. The harbor is just behind this square to. It looks a little rough down there. I didn't want to go alone.

A cool lookin building. I have no idea what it's for. This is also on the road that turns into a highway.

This one is for Amy Gray! Look Amy! Coke!...alive and well in China!

Pizza King! I've eaten here a couple times. They actually don't do to bad on the pizza...It's not American pizza, but all things considered...not bad. This is about 100Yds away from the hotel. The bootleg Olive Garden is right around the corner. I asked about the golf stuff...they all just stare at me blankly. I'm not sure why it's there. No one seems to be able to give me a straight answer on that.

This is the front corner of my hotel, the picture is being taken towards the end of the street with the boat.

This is looking the other way. Dalian is as big as Chicago proper. Just the city limits...actually it might be as big as Chicago and LA proper. They have no it's just the city. Chicago and LA are both bigger if you count the surrounding areas.

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